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Dec 12 UPDATE!: We have now reached the 1/2 way point of our goal! Praise God for provision and the generous people in our church! See the videos of the both Dutko dives below!


This past Sunday, we introduced our Nov/Dec giving challenge: "Defeat the Deficit".

It has been an incredible year of growth, ministry and outreach for our church. I was totally blown away by this statistic that Joseph mentioned at our Sunday service: This year we’ve had more pre-teens and high school students attend those ministry nights than the past 7 years combined! It is an answer to prayer, and it is a privilege to serve and be a co-labourer in the Lord's work.

Our church has helped numerous families navigate tough times this year by providing groceries, helping with living expenses, helping to make emergency repairs and more. Our facility is also in use more than ever, and we have made many improvements over the course of 2023 that will help us to better serve our growing church family and our community for years to come.

It is our joy and privilege to be known as a church that folks can reach out to in a time of need when they don’t know where to turn. But, with privilege comes increased responsibility and need. 

As of the end of October, our fiscal deficit was approximately $140,000. We’re embarking on a huge faith goal to try to defeat our fiscal deficit by the end of the year!

Watch the videos below to hear how we're going to make this fun and to see how you can help us make progress toward our goal! You can also download a Q&A document to gain some more insight into this challenge.